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The Scriptures speak of the church as the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12) with each member being a vital part of the whole—just as in the human body.  A key role of leaders in the church—especially the “five-fold ministries” of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers—is to equip God’s people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:11-12).  Everyone in the church is meant to be involved in ministry!



These small groups (also called "cell" or "life" groups in some churches) provide an informal setting for prayer, Bible teaching, friendship and learning to function in the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to each member.

Looking to join a small group? Contact



Jesus said that God seeks those who worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth (John 4:23).  Accordingly we devote a significant portion of our meetings to worship—whether in song, prayers, Scripture readings, prophetic words, artistic expression (e.g. banners, dance) and giving offerings.  We greatly appreciate our worship teams who help lead us into God’s presence in corporate worship.





It is hard to overstate the importance of prayer in areas like personal integrity and maturity, the health of the church, the spread of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and the growth of His Kingdom in the world around us.  We are committed to keep learning how to become more effective in prayer.  For a list of current prayer meetings being held, please contact the church office.





In light of the “Great Commission” to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28) and God’s heart for those who are poor, needy, widowed, orphaned, broken and lost, we are engaged in a variety of outreach ministries both locally and abroad.  (See also Missions page.)





The unique challenges of teens and young adults are a major ministry focus for our Associate Pastor and his wife.  This includes providing a safe setting to discuss key issues facing teens and encouraging them to grow as disciples of Jesus, and working with young adults as they navigate new territory in relationships, work life, marriage and ministry.  Both the Youth Group and the Young Adults Group typically attend annual youth camps or conferences with young adults from other church groups.

Youth (grades 8-12) and Young Adults: see Landon & Brittany Zabolotniuk via





For babies and toddlers up to age 2 we have a Nursery.  Sunday School is provided (while the sermon is delivered Sunday morning) to children ages 3 – 12, offering age-appropriate Bible teaching and memorization, crafts and songs.  The children also prepare special music and dramas to present at Christmas or Easter services.

29th Street Centre  (Sundays 10 AM)

4506 29th Street

Vernon, BC

V1T 5B9


Phone: (250) 545-2927 Email:

Church Office (Tues-Thurs 9-3 PM)

4507 29th Street

Vernon, BC

V1T 5C1

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