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North Okanagan Prayer

An initiative of the Vernon Ministerial,
North Okanagan Prayer is an action to see prayer for our region increase and develop, with a focus on our neighbourhoods.

We invite you to view our map of streets being regularly prayed over. If you would like to adopt your street in prayer, email with your street info (between which blocks) today! 

Prayer Guideline

Pray for:

  1. Christians to be encouraged, refreshed and to be engaged with the community.

  2. … Jesus to enter the lives of those who do not know Him yet.

  3. … the increase of God’s Government and Peace in the community.

  4. God to bless the community – individuals, families, businesses and institutions.

  5. … for an increase of unity, of ‘Us-ness’, around the Truth of God.

Enter your email below to subscribe to our weekly Prayer Focus Newsletter.

Thanks for subscribing!

29th Street Centre  (Sundays 10 AM)

4506 29th Street

Vernon, BC

V1T 5B9


Phone: (250) 545-2927 Email:

Church Office (Tues-Thurs 9-3 PM)

4507 29th Street

Vernon, BC

V1T 5C1

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