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Prayer and Fasting

January 7 to 14


  • Humble ourselves before the Lord so that He can lift us up;

  • Obey His commands to deny ourselves and to pray;

  • Live and act corporately and in unity;

  • Present ourselves to God so that we can be vessels worthy for his purposes;

  • Seek to know the Lord Jesus more and be overflowing with the Holy Spirit.


Feel free to pray privately or together in homes or the community.


We are also making the 29th St Centre available for private or group prayer by online sign-up
Bookings can be set to open/private. If not sure how to use online booking, contact Leighton or Landon at 250-545-2927.



Pick at least one option that is sustainable for 7 days.

  • No sugar

  • No snacks between meals

  • Only vegetables and fruit (and pure fruit juice)

  • Giving up 1 or 2 meals each day

  • Only drinking water for 24 hours

  • Only drinking water for ___ out of the 7 days

We strongly encourage abstaining from media/social media/Netflix/video games (except as necessary for employment) during the week.

Consider using the time “gained” to invest into private and corporate prayer.

Consider the money “gained” to give to someone in need.

Prayer Topics:

  1. Health/Readiness/Sanctification of VCF

  2. Growing in being a Family on Mission Together (Missional work locally and globally)

  3. Salt & Light Family throughout BC (especially Nelson and Downtown Kelowna)

  4. Personal Repentance/Holiness

  5. God’s Kingdom to come and Will to be done in our Community

  6. Unsaved Family and Friends

29th Street Centre  (Sundays 10 AM)

4506 29th Street

Vernon, BC

V1T 5B9


Phone: (250) 545-2927 Email:

Church Office (Tues-Thurs 9-3 PM)

4507 29th Street

Vernon, BC

V1T 5C1

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